Sunday, September 8, 2024

Monthly Archives: April, 2016

Graduate Earnings – Based on Gender, Parental Wealth, University, Subject, and Social Background

A study found that graduate earnings are significantly influenced by gender, parental wealth, university attended, subject studied, and social background. While passion and creativity should guide a child's choices, the report highlights the importance of considering potential earnings when deciding about higher education and future prospects.

A Child’s Calling: Multiple Intelligences, not Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

Society often measures one's ability by one's Intelligence Quotient (IQ). However, Multiple Intelligences theory suggests that there are different types of intelligence beyond just IQ. Understanding these Multiple Intelligences can help parents identify their child's unique strengths and learning styles, enabling them to support their child's true calling in life.

A Child’s Calling: Signature Strengths

Allowing nature to develop our kids is difficult for many parents. A child's calling lies in identifying their signature strengths, with the child leading, not the parent. Signature strengths are character strengths that are essential to who we are, and they are energy-building. Identifying these strengths helps children grow, create, and find passion.

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