Sunday, September 8, 2024

Monthly Archives: September, 2022

5 Facts About Fathers You Probably Didn’t Know (But Should!)

Discover five fascinating facts about fathers that challenge outdated stereotypes and highlight their crucial role in their children's lives. From the impact of the "love hormone" oxytocin on paternal bonding to the increasing involvement of fathers in child-rearing, this post celebrates the unique contributions of dads and the importance of supporting them.

How to Get Kids Helping Around the House

Discover the benefits of getting your children involved in household chores and learn practical strategies for encouraging participation. From starting small and offering rewards to being consistent and teaching the value of hard work, this post provides valuable insights for parents looking to foster responsibility and discipline in their kids.

Duty, Service and Compassion: Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II embodied duty, service, and compassion throughout her 70-year reign. This post explores her unwavering commitment to these values, her impact on the Commonwealth, and the author's personal experience paying respects to her lying-in-state. Discover the legacy of a remarkable monarch who dedicated her life to serving others.

The Role of a Mother in Early Childhood!

Discover the crucial role mothers play in shaping their children's early development. From being a child's first teacher and providing a safe haven to modelling healthy habits and respecting feelings, this post explores how mothers influence their children's lives. Learn about the importance of shared decision-making and consistency in parenting.

Why We Sleep: Science of Sleep Across Life Span

Explore the fascinating science of sleep across the life span, from pre-birth to old age. Discover the importance of REM and NREM sleep for brain development, the challenges faced by adolescents and older adults, and the impact of sleep on overall health and well-being. Gain valuable insights inspired by Matthew Walker's book "Why We Sleep."

How to Handle Back-to-School Prep

Discover practical tips for handling back-to-school prep without the last-minute stress and overspending. Learn the benefits of shopping for basics early, teaching your children valuable planning skills, and avoiding sweating the small details. With a bit of forethought and organisation, you can make the transition from summer fun to autumn learning a breeze for the whole family.

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