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Sara Talia: The Devastating Consequences of Selfishness, Infidelity, and Lies on a Family

A father’s struggle against deceit and legal injustices to protect his children from the devastating impact of a manipulative ex-partner.


Sara Talia, once a loving partner, now embodies the worst of human nature. Her transformation from a kind-hearted individual to a manipulative, selfish, nasty, evil, and deceitful person has left me with no choice but to share my story. Recent disturbing news about my children and the realisation that I do not have any control over what happens to my kids have compelled me to break my silence.

When I sought help, I was told that Sara had gained complete control of our children through legal loopholes, leaving me powerless to protect them without substantial financial resources. I am helpless and without the means to fight a costly legal battle. I have explored this issue extensively in my post titled “Paedophiles Have More Parental Rights Than Me: The Injustice of International Law Exploited by Sara Talia”.

The injustice of this situation is staggering, and I fear that my children will be left with nothing but lies if I don’t fight back. I find myself grappling with a mix of emotions – pain, anger, and an unwavering determination to seek justice not only for myself but, more importantly, for my three innocent children who have become the ultimate victims of their mother’s evil actions.

As life took its toll, Sara Talia, once a kind and loving person, has turned unimaginably nasty. Our relationship began with love and support as I stood by Sara’s side, helping her advance her career and build our family. While I could forgive infidelity, we are all free to do what we want for ourselves. Our happiness is not in trying to please everyone but focusing on what truly matters to us. If Sara wants this, I do not see an issue with it.

However, I cannot accept her using her financial power to suppress and disrespect me. I did everything for our family, from night feeds to housework, sacrificing my career for their well-being and furthering Sara’s career. To be treated like a criminal by someone I trusted is unbearable.

This level of treatment—securing a divorce behind your partner’s back and seizing control of your children—is typically reserved for cases where the partner is a paedophile, murderer, or high-level criminal. Even then, it seems those individuals have more rights than I do, thanks to Sara’s egregious actions.

In early 2022, upon learning that the children were suffering, I forgave Sara for obtaining the divorce under false pretences. We reached an agreement, but she violated it by continuing to expose the children to her abusive, unfaithful boyfriend. I will detail these events in a new blog post, presenting all the facts and text messages Sara cannot even dispute.

Using international law to her advantage, Sara secured full custody of our children, leaving me devastated and isolated. I endured her coercion, bullying, and intimidation, all to keep my children with this woman, only to end up with nothing. This situation has pushed me to the brink, and on multiple occasions, I have questioned the point of living.

The emotional and financial toll of this ordeal has been immeasurable. I’ve had no means to fight back, as the legal costs are astronomical. Sara’s lies and manipulation have not only affected me but have also had a profound impact on our innocent children, who are now caught in the middle of this nightmare.

I have never feared death, but now the prospect terrifies me, as the relentless stress from this ordeal has weakened my body over the past three years. Daily unpredictability in my physical response—experiencing my body shutting down, chest tightness, heart palpitations, and pervasive depressive feelings—deepens my fear that I might die before the truth is known.

I dread the thought of my children believing the lies their mother has told them. Children’s memories are impressionable, and Sara has tainted theirs. Should I pass away before justice prevails, I am compelled to create a space where the facts can be found and where my fight for justice is documented.

Through this blog post, I aim to expose Sara Talia’s deceitful actions, shed light on the broken legal system that has enabled her behaviour, and fight for the justice my children and I deserve. I refuse to let Sara’s lies and selfishness go unchallenged, and I will do everything in my power to protect my children from further harm.

In the following sections, I will present the details of Sara’s ongoing deception, the heartbreaking impact on our children, and my relentless pursuit of truth and justice. By sharing my story, I hope to connect with others who have faced similar struggles, raise awareness about the flaws in international family law, and, ultimately, secure a better future for my children.

Sara Talia and a young man, both athletes in their early twenties, standing face to face on an outdoor track at sunset.

The Early Days

When I first met Sara Talia at Loughborough University in 1999, we were both young athletes with a shared passion for sports and a dedication to our studies. Sara, a Swedish international middle-distance runner born to North African parents, and I, a national-level sprinter born in the UK to West African parents, found common ground in our values and aspirations.

Our relationship blossomed slowly, as Sara initially prioritised her religion, sports, and studies over romantic pursuits. I admired her commitment and focus, which mirrored my own. We had never been in a relationship in our early twenties, a testament to our shared principles and the importance of personal growth and achievement.

As our friendship deepened, so did our connection. We moved in together during Sara’s final year at Loughborough, and our bond grew more assertive. We discussed our future, our hopes for a family, and how we would raise our children. We were aligned in our values and our vision for a life together.

In those early days, Sara demonstrated a strength of character that I admired. She stood firm in her beliefs, even in the face of her parent’s disapproval of our relationship due to my race. Sara challenged their prejudices, arguing that they had always taught her to judge a person by their character, not the colour of their skin. Her moral conviction and willingness to fight for what she believed impressed me.

As our relationship progressed, we decided to prioritise Sara’s medical career. I put my career aspirations on hold, focusing on supporting her through her studies and training. Working together as a team could build a strong foundation for our future family.

However, as we began our journey as parents, our differences in parenting styles became increasingly apparent. The strategies we had discussed and agreed upon before having children sometimes did not translated into practice. Sara struggled to adapt to the realities of parenthood, and our once-united front began to fracture. This is not just me saying it; she mentioned this to friends and counsellors we would later see.

Looking back, it’s clear that no one can truly predict how they will feel or behave as a parent until they are in that role. The challenges we faced were not uncommon for new parents. Still, our inability to find a middle ground and work together strained our relationship.

Despite our differences, I remained committed to our family and supported Sara’s career. I took on the role of primary caregiver, juggling childcare, housework, and my professional endeavours. I only took on research roles that allowed me to work from home in London. By maintaining our teamwork and focusing on our shared goals, we could overcome the obstacles we faced.

In those early days, Sara Talia was a woman of conviction, driven by her passions and beliefs. Our relationship was built on a foundation of shared values, mutual respect, and a deep love for one another. While our journey as parents would prove to be more challenging than anticipated, I will always cherish the memories of our early days together and the dreams we shared for our future.

Sara Talia’s Descent into Infidelity and Betrayal

As our marriage progressed, the cracks in our relationship began to deepen due to parenting differences. Sara’s frequent absences from parenting, her erratic behaviour driven by a sense of entitlement, and the constant threats of divorce were all signs of a more profound betrayal that would soon come to light.

I don’t care if someone cheats on me; it is a personal choice we all make. I also never hold the other person responsible, as they have no loyalties to me. Under normal circumstances, I would not highlight those involved by description. Still, it is essential to outline the character of Sara Talia and how some people can turn nasty.

I should have paid more attention to her character. Around 2010-2011, she came onto a friend who was helping her gain access to shadow a top sports doctor. Later, Sara tried to convince me that the friend had made advances towards her. I never believed her at the time, and I was proved right.

In the months leading up to our move to Qatar in January 2020, Sara’s infidelity became increasingly apparent. In hindsight, what appeared to be regular text messages about being asked to work additional hours or being called in at the last minute should have been seen as suspicious. Reflecting on and overlaying the information now, it is clear that it was a complex web of deceit that would forever alter the course of our lives, which is not essential, but the damaging impact on innocent children.

The following are three infidelities that I know of.

Sara Talia and The Black Receptionist at Urgent Care Croydon

In December 2019, as I was preparing our family’s move to Qatar, an unexpected issue with our shared iPad revealed a disturbing truth. Our eldest son brought the iPad to me as he had problems with it. After fixing the issues with the image folder, upon closer inspection, I discovered many intimate photos of Sara with a black receptionist from the urgent care centre where she worked in Croydon. The images were varied, capturing them on multiple dinner dates, a flat I hadn’t known about, and even a trip on the London Eye. These weren’t merely friendly outings; the intimacy was undeniable.

Sara had departed for Qatar two weeks ahead of the children and me, a request by her new employer for her to be in Qatar before the New Year. Confronted over a call, she first dismissed these meetings as simple dates, insisting nothing had occurred. But as I pressed on, the truth began to unravel. She admitted they had intended to be intimate but were interrupted.

Her later confessions revealed more profound layers of deceit. She shockingly remarked while we were in Qatar, as we laid in bed talking, that his penis was larger than mine. This was a comment I found strange. If they had not been intimate, how would she know? And secondly, was this intended to affect me or put me down?

I have never compared myself to others and never competed against others, a gift of having dyslexia. I learned quickly that I am in a different race than others. So, whatever Sara’s intentions were, I did not care. I know this is the information others would not reveal to the world, but I do not care. I am very indifferent to comments of that nature.

Further probing revealed that Sara’s actions were part of a pattern, not sporadic. She had lied about working late numerous times, using this as a cover to visit him. His proximity to her workplace in Croydon made their frequent rendezvous easier. Sara had managed to keep this a secret from almost everyone except for a close Afghan friend. When I asked why she had not told others, she suggested a deep-seated shame about her actions.

These revelations were compounded by later discussions where Sara critiqued her lover’s intellect and control in moments of candour, starkly contrasting him with me. She confessed to dating him primarily for the attention he provided, a substitute for what she felt was lacking from me. Even after we attempted reconciliation, her narrative shifted, reflecting her realisation of his controlling nature, contrasting sharply with the flattery initially drawing her in. She even mentioned this could have been the reason for his divorce.

Her method of communication with him, primarily through Facebook messages, was only revealed after we had patched things up. It was by sheer chance that these messages synched from her iPhone to our shared iPad, exposing her infidelity. Without this slip, I might never have uncovered the truth. This breach of trust, masked by technological oversight, marked a pivotal moment in our marriage, challenging the very foundation on which our family stood.

Sara often tried to justify her actions by claiming we were about to divorce. If that was the case, why did she use Facebook to communicate with him instead of normal means? Sara also made hypocritical comments about me. For instance, when I went to late-night cinema shows with tickets my sister gave me, Sara would say, “I hope you’re not cheating on me,” while she was unfaithful. This hypocrisy and her attempts to paint our relationship as already broken were blatant efforts to cover her deceit.

The Estate Agent in Qatar

Our move to Qatar introduced new challenges, including Sara’s suspicious interactions with an estate agent. Before I first met him, Sara preemptively mentioned that although it might appear otherwise, she and the estate agent were just friends. This preemptive justification set a tone of doubt from the start; my antennas were peaked.

While we were living on the villa compound, there were a few occasions that I had that feeling. Still, there was an incident that raised my suspicions further. Sara told me she was taking our daughter to see what the villas with swimming pools looked like. This struck me as odd, and my feelings were compounded when my daughter returned alone, saying she had ‘lost’ her mother during the outing in the villa. When I confronted Sara about this, questioning if she had intentionally lost our daughter to spend time with the estate agent, she merely laughed it off.

Her reaction and the estate agent’s consistent avoidance of eye contact when I saw him on the compound deepened my suspicions. Although I lacked concrete evidence to confirm my suspicions, this incident significantly contributed to my belief that there might have been more to their interactions than met the eye.

For me, the welfare of our children was paramount, and this situation only intensified my concerns. I was willing to be the fool lying on the floor to be trodden on if it meant ensuring our kids did not suffer from a broken home with a mother who was not maternal. Many people might not understand why I would endure such treatment, but for me, the kids were all that mattered.

A scale of justice heavily tipped to one side, symbolizing imbalance and injustice, against a backdrop of dark, stormy clouds and lightning.

Sara Talia and The Moroccan-Qatari Athlete in Qatar

The most devastating betrayal involved a Moroccan Qatari athlete. Sara Talia suddenly mentioned this athlete, highlighting his running skills and offering to help her train and be a pacemaker. Initially, this seemed innocent, but the situation quickly deteriorated.

Unlike the other two, the Moroccan-Qatari athlete has caused significant traumatic damage to my kids. Sara moved him into the house against their wishes, and he has been mentally abusing them. As an army officer in Qatar, he intimidates them by claiming he can get the army to do whatever he wants. He makes disparaging remarks about me, saying he can beat me.

His actions have terrified my children, who confided in me during their stay in the summer of 2022. This is the only person whose actions I take great offence to due to the abusive impact on my kids. Sara allows this, seemingly wanting the kids to forget me immediately.

Sara began showing me pictures of an English woman, the Moroccan-Qatari athlete’s girlfriend, mocking her appearance and age and suggesting the athlete could do better. This behaviour was unsettling and seemed like a way for Sara to rationalise her actions. She then started spending more time away from home, and I didn’t initially grasp the full extent of her absences.

So, I have been helping two Russian tennis players with their strength and conditioning since we moved to Qatar. I was very close to their parents. The parents had moved from the compound we were on. Still, on multiple occasions, the father asked me about the Moroccan athlete’s relationship with Sara and why he was helping her as a pacemaker. When I explained that he was just a random guy who trains and helps Sara, the father would look at his wife very strangely. This caught my attention then, but I only paid a little attention.

He asked me three or four times, as he and his brother had joined some sessions with Sara Talia and the Moroccan athlete. My gut feeling is that he observed abnormal interactions between Sara and the athlete. The way he asked me, followed by sharp glances at his wife and their exchanged faces, suggested that he sensed something was off.

When I eventually left Qatar and told him over Zoom about Sara’s affair, he and his wife went reticent and kept looking at each other. Clearly, the inappropriate relationship had been visible for a long time.

The guilt must have been building, or Sara’s desire for a full-blown relationship was burning within her. The turning point came when our eldest son misbehaved. As I was telling him off, Sara abruptly demanded a divorce and insisted I leave. The following period was horrendous, marked by relentless bullying and insults from her towards me, which was observed by our nanny Hannah and the children most of the time.

An interesting subplot was during late 2021 and early 2022, post-COVID, when I faced additional challenges due to travel restrictions. Sara was keen for me to leave Qatar, knowing it would be difficult for me to return. I was initially reluctant; it took two months to return after finally leaving. I was lucky, as Sara, realising that it was more challenging not having me around, used her contacts, who helped get me back into Qatar before the borders were open to everyone.

Our nanny, who managed everything in my absence, reported that Sara was never home, always out, and the situation with the children had deteriorated. The nanny was drained from having to do all the work.

Reflecting on the athlete’s girlfriend’s information, it became evident that Sara had been cycling with him during his training sessions (whilst I was stuck in the UK), even skipping work. On Christmas Day 2021, during my reluctant return to the UK, I noticed Sara pouting and blowing kisses while at the dinner table and on the phone. Initially, I thought it was directed towards the previous affair with the black guy. Still, it was actually aimed at this athlete. Everything clicked into place, highlighting the extent of Sara’s deceit.

Not long after I returned from the UK and about a week or two before she told me to leave the house, we were both lying in bed speaking. Randomly, in the conversation, Sara started talking about how boring it is to be with only one person in life. She said she doesn’t see why you can’t sleep with other people and have multiple partners. I told her then that Sara could do whatever she wanted, but this was not what I signed up for. It is evident that guilt was eating away at her, and she needed to find a way to normalise her fetish and needs.

The situation between Sara and me escalated further. Upon discovering the sham divorce, I texted Sara that she had won the battle for now but would not win the war. I assured her that she would pay for the crime she had committed. This troubled her greatly, as the kids mentioned she was very stressed. Our nanny, Hannah, being an angel, tried to mediate and get me to forgive Sara. During one conversation, Hannah revealed that Sara had been so stressed that she sought advice from the lawyer who had helped her with the sham divorce. The lawyer told her that if I came to Qatar, she would have a fight on her hands. However, knowing I lacked the financial means, he assured her she had nothing to worry about.

In January 2022, Sara contacted me to apologise for what she had done and suggest a way forward. For the sake of the kids, I agreed to forgive her. Shortly after, Sara was called into school and informed that it would be best to send our daughter back to the UK to stay with me, as she was depressed and wanted to be with her dad. Sara agreed, and we decided to get a lawyer to draft a new document granting us 50-50 custody of the kids, as the sham divorce had given her total control.

I also learned that the Moroccan Qatari athlete had physically abused his English girlfriend. To maintain peace, I agreed to Sara’s proposal on the condition that she kept the abusive, cheating athlete away from our kids. Sara decided on this condition. However, the English girlfriend managed to find me through my Facebook blog page and informed me of the ongoing situation. During their summer holiday visit in 2023, I later learned from the kids that Sara had broken the deal almost immediately. The athlete was back with them against their wishes.

This marked my last communication with Sara, as she cut me off from the kids and prevented them from contacting me. I will provide a detailed account in a separate blog post. This period revealed just how nasty a person can be. Sara had sent cruel messages and intimate photos of herself and the athlete to the English girlfriend. I know this to be true, as the messages were similar to the ones Sara sent me when I returned to the UK, broken and in severe depression. These messages were filled with attacks and intimidation, which I will share in a future post.

To the outside world, it might seem puzzling why I stayed, but for me, the reason was simple. Throughout this ordeal, I clung to the hope that we could salvage our marriage for the sake of our children. My respect for Sara had long vanished, and my sole concern was the well-being of our kids.

For their sake, I was willing to be a doormat for her mistreatment. If enduring pain and humiliation meant I could be around to protect the kids, it was a sacrifice I was prepared to make. Sara’s lack of maternal instincts meant that the children would face dire consequences without my presence.

However, the relentless bullying, insults, and coercive behaviour I faced took a heavy toll on me. It left me feeling broken and questioning my own worth. Despite this, my priority remained to ensure the safety and stability of our children.

A scale of justice heavily tipped to one side, symbolizing imbalance and injustice, against a backdrop of dark, stormy clouds and lightning.

The Divorce and Legal Battles Initiated by Sara Talia

Sara Talia’s deceit and manipulation reached new heights when she filed for divorce and custody in Qatari courts without my knowledge. Exploiting the legal loopholes in international law. She blindsided me with a divorce that would have taken over a year in the UK. The emotional abuse and coercive control I suffered during this time were unbearable, as Sara Talia used her financial advantage to bully and intimidate me.

Forced to return to the UK with no resources or prospects, I was left devastated and broken. The financial and emotional consequences of Sara Talia’s actions were severe. I struggled to rebuild my life while being separated from my children. Throughout the divorce proceedings, Sara Talia continued to lie and manipulate the situation to gain an advantage, just as she had done with her infidelity.

The “Sham Divorce Papers” in Arabic and English are a testament to the injustice I faced. Sara Talia’s exploitation of international law allowed her to bypass the UK’s legal system and fast-track a divorce that suited her agenda. For more details on how Sara Talia used international law to her advantage, read my post on “Paedophiles Have More Parental Rights Than Me: The Injustice of International Law Exploited by Sara Talia.”

The divorce and legal battles initiated by Sara Talia were a continuation of the pattern of deceit and manipulation that had defined her actions. The emotional toll on my children and me was and is still immense, as we were forced to deal with a complex international legal system that seemed to favour the abuser over the victims. Sara’s lies and exploitation of legal loopholes left me feeling powerless and unable to protect my children from the harm she was inflicting upon them.

The Impact of Sara Talia’s Actions on the Children

The consequences of Sara’s choices and actions have been devastating for our children. Her lack of involvement in parenting and the constant instability she creates have taken a severe toll on their emotional well-being. Sara Talia’s decisions to move the children between schools, get rid of a devoted nanny, and change compounds have deprived them of the stability and security they desperately need.

Shockingly, Sara’s manipulation extends to emotionally blackmailing our children to maintain her facade. When the children were at their lowest, I encouraged them to seek help from school counsellors. However, Sara coldly instructed them to hide the truth about her boyfriend living with them and the distress it causes.

She threatened the children, claiming that if they spoke honestly about their situation, she could be arrested and imprisoned (I will share the endless message between me and the kids to back this up). This heinous emotional manipulation is a testament to Sara Talia’s true character, prioritising her own interests over her children’s well-being and exploiting their love and fear to maintain control.

Most alarming is Sara’s insistence on exposing the children to her abusive boyfriend, against their wishes (I will publish a future post with this evidence). The children have expressed discomfort and fear, but Sara Talia prioritises her desires over their well-being. The physical, mental, and profoundly worrying abuse the children are subjected to is heartbreaking, and I fear for their safety every day they remain in this toxic environment.

The trauma my children have endured extends beyond their mother’s choices. During a visit to Sweden, my son faced racial, mental, and physical abuse from Sara Talia’s father. Despite the severity of the incident, Sara Talia’s father escaped consequences from the Swedish police, leaving my son feeling helpless and unprotected. Sara responded that his dad was old and my son should not have called the police.

Furthermore, Sara’s negligence has exposed our children to inappropriate content. She has allowed them to attend sleepovers with much older children, disregarding the potential risks and the impact on their innocence. Her constant absence, as evidenced by her social media posts showcasing holidays and training sessions, leaves the children in the care of a revolving door of nannies, depriving them of the maternal presence and guidance they need.

Numerous individuals have reached out to me, expressing grave concerns about the damage being done to my children. These messages, along with a deeply disturbing tip-off I received about the abuse they endured at the hands of their mother and her boyfriend, paint a chilling picture of the reality my children face daily. Through all this, international law has removed my ability to seek help, as she has complete control of the kids, I am being told.

Sara Talia’s manipulation knows no bounds, as she fills the children’s minds with lies to alienate them from me and justify her actions. She twists the truth to suit her narrative, causing immense confusion and emotional distress for our children.

In the coming days, I will be publishing blog posts addressing the specific lies Sara Talia has told, including her false claims that I have chosen not to see the children despite the numerous messages I have from them expressing their mother’s threats to prevent contact. Another post will expose Sara Talia’s deceit in telling the children that she does not have full custody when, in reality, she has complete control over their lives.

The impact of Sara Talia’s actions on our children is heartbreaking and infuriating. The system has failed to protect them, and I am left fighting an uphill battle to ensure their safety and well-being. The emotional toll on my children and me is immeasurable as we navigate the consequences of Sara Talia’s selfish and destructive choices.

Three mixed-race children with their backs to the camera, standing in a field and watching the sunset.

Unwavering Commitment to My Children’s Well-being

Throughout this ordeal, my efforts to maintain contact with my children and uncover the truth have been relentless. I have sought support from third parties who have witnessed Sara Talia’s unfit parenting, and their accounts have strengthened my resolve to fight for justice. My decision to seek help from authorities and raise awareness through my blog stems from a deep-rooted commitment to protecting my children’s well-being.

Exposing the lies and manipulation that have escalated this situation is crucial in my pursuit of justice. The current state of international family law has failed to protect my children’s rights. An urgent reform is needed to prevent other families from enduring similar ordeals. My fight for justice is not only for my own children but for all children who are victims of parental alienation, abuse, and the lies that perpetuate these issues.

The emotional and financial toll of this battle has been immense. Still, my commitment to my children’s safety and well-being remains unwavering. I will continue fighting for their rights and exposing the truth, even when faced with insurmountable obstacles. The support and understanding of those who recognise the importance of this cause have been a source of strength and encouragement.

Ultimately, my silence has become too painful, and I have realised I must tell my story to heal. Sara’s contempt for anything but herself obviously has no limit.

As far as I am concerned, Sara Talia is a narcissistic and self-serving supremacist of a person, manipulating every situation to her advantage without regard for the consequences on our children. Her actions have caused immeasurable harm, and my duty as a father is to protect my children from further damage. I will not rest until justice is served and my children are safe from the clutches of their nasty mother.



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