Friday, February 21, 2025


Showing Our Work Makes Us Think Better

A child's mathematics homework holds a profound lesson for our quick-answer world. When we show our work, we reveal the thought process behind solutions, helping us question assumptions, refine our reasoning, and embrace deeper learning. Showing our thinking fosters clarity, better decisions, and a richer understanding in an age of shortcuts.

The Critical Window: How Early Experiences Shape Your Child’s Neocortex

Explore a child's neocortex development and its impact on future abilities. Discover how early experiences shape brain structure, learn about critical developmental periods, and find strategies for nurturing cognitive growth. Gain insights from Jeff Hawkins' "A Thousand Brains" and understand how to apply these concepts to everyday parenting, fostering optimal neocortex development in your child's early years.

Hans Rosling: The Visionary Swedish Statistician Who Changed Our Worldview with Facts

A visionary Swedish statistician, Hans Rosling, changed how we view the world through data. His work, especially "Factfulness," challenges our preconceptions and offers a fact-based worldview. This post explores Rosling's life, impact, and how we can apply his principles to improve our understanding of global issues and make more informed decisions.

Baby’s First Expressions: An Emotional Rollercoaster in a Cot

Explore the compelling world of Baby's First Expressions. Interpret early communication cues, understand the neuroscience, and grasp their role in child development. Dive into the emotional states of these expressions, from the womb to early infancy. Discover how they indicate neurological progress and emotional maturity, enriching your bond with your child.

The Art of War – Benefits of Sun Tzu’s Teaching For Kids

Explore the timeless wisdom of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" and discover how its principles can benefit children. From problem-solving and strategic thinking to emotional intelligence and adaptability, this ancient Chinese classic offers valuable lessons to help kids navigate life's challenges and develop essential skills for success.

Daily Rituals: Unique Working Routines – How Great Minds Make Time

Discover the unique working routines and daily rituals of some of history's greatest minds, as explored in Mason Currey's captivating book, "Daily Rituals." From eccentric habits to disciplined schedules, learn how these brilliant individuals harnessed their time and creativity to produce remarkable works and find inspiration to develop your productivity-enhancing rituals.

Good to Great: Build A Level 5 Child (Level 5 Leadership)

Inspired by Jim Collins' book "Good to Great," this post adapts the concept of Level 5 Leadership to parenting, offering insights on how to raise children with strong character and leadership qualities. By instilling humility, ambition, modesty, resolve, and a balanced perspective, parents can help their children become successful and well-rounded individuals.

A Child’s Calling: Multiple Intelligences, not Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

Society often measures one's ability by one's Intelligence Quotient (IQ). However, Multiple Intelligences theory suggests that there are different types of intelligence beyond just IQ. Understanding these Multiple Intelligences can help parents identify their child's unique strengths and learning styles, enabling them to support their child's true calling in life.

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