Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Dyslexia Journey: How ‘The Woman That Changed Her Brain’ Inspired My Self-Reflection

My dyslexia journey, a profound emotional experience, was illuminated by "The Woman That Changed Her Brain" by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young. The book nudged open doors to my past, revealing shadows and light. Reading the author's tumultuous relationship with learning, I reflected on my dyslexia journey, finding familiarity and empathy.

Open Letter to Dana White: Reconsidering Igor Severino’s UFC Disqualification for Biting

In this heartfelt open letter to Dana White, I argue that Igor Severino deserves a shot at redemption. Severino's lifetime ban from the UFC following his disqualification for biting an opponent should be reconsidered. Drawing on examples of second chances given to other fighters and the UFC's values, I argue that Severino deserves a shot at redemption.

Mirrored Reflections: Navigating the Depths of Depression and Suicide

In this deeply personal post, I share my battle with depression and suicidal thoughts. A profound encounter with Esther, who lost her daughter and grandsons to suicide, leads to an emotional connection and realisation, highlighting the transformative power of human connection in facing mental health challenges and finding solace in shared experiences.

Nurturing Tomorrow’s Growth: Progressive Parenting Strategies for Kids in 2024

Dive into 'Progressive Parenting Strategies for Kids in 2024,' a compelling exploration of modern parenting. This post navigates through various aspects of raising children with a blend of humour, practical insights, and thought-provoking ideas. It touches on nurturing inherent strengths, embracing diversity in development, balancing parenting styles, and fostering leadership qualities in children, preparing them for a confident future.

Become a Lifelong Learner and Unlock Your Creative Potential

Explore the journey of lifelong learning and creativity. Learn how to overcome challenges, unlock potential, and transform your life.

Teaching Children Incremental Progress: The Flywheel Concept

Discover the power of teaching children incremental progress through the Flywheel concept from Jim Collins' book "Good to Great." This post explores how the mechanical principle of building momentum through consistent effort can be applied to parenting, helping children understand that every small effort contributes to their overall growth and development.

The Silent Strength: Your Inner Wolf Among Lions and Elephants

Embrace your silent strength and let your inner wolf shine through authenticity and kindness. This post explores the lessons we can learn from wolves, lions, and elephants, uncovering the power of staying true to ourselves without succumbing to societal pressures to perform. Discover the profound impact of embracing your unique abilities.

How to Change Your Mindset and Achieve Anything You Want in Life

Discover the power of mindset and learn how to achieve anything you want in life. Inspired by Carol Dweck's book Mindset, this post explores the difference between fixed and growth mindsets, their impact on various aspects of life, and practical strategies for cultivating a growth mindset for success and personal fulfilment.

From Uninformed to Awakened: The Journey to Transform Fear into Compassion

Embark on a transformative journey from fear to compassion, inspired by a Zen master's parable and the heated debate surrounding transgender athletes. This introspective post explores the roots of fear, its impact on personal growth, and the importance of cultivating compassion. Discover how ancient wisdom can guide us towards a more inclusive and understanding world.

Pursuing Your Passions: Tapping into Your Natural Skills

Discover how pursuing your passions and tapping into your natural skills can lead to a more fulfilling life. This post explores practical strategies for identifying your true calling, even when faced with challenging circumstances. Learn how to embrace your current experiences as valuable lessons and preparation for achieving your goals and finding genuine satisfaction.

Realistic Vision: How to Distinguish Dreams from Fantasies

Learn to distinguish between dreams and fantasies as you pursue your realistic vision. This post explores the importance of grounding your aspirations in reality while using dreams and fantasies as sources of inspiration. Discover five practical tips for finding the right path to your goals, from identifying your strengths to embracing adaptability.

Potential for Greatness or Screwed for Life: Embracing Change

Explore the dichotomy of embracing change as a path to either greatness or feeling trapped in life. This post examines the importance of accepting reality, developing a growth mindset, and finding opportunities for improvement, even in the face of adversity. Discover how resilience and perseverance can help you navigate life's unpredictable challenges.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: Coping with Challenges for a Better Life

Discover the unconventional wisdom of "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson. This post explores how letting go of unnecessary concerns and focusing on what truly matters can lead to a more fulfilling life. Learn practical strategies for coping with challenges and embracing existence's inevitable ups and downs.

The Past, The Present and A Fresh Start

Reflecting on the concept of a fresh start, this post explores the importance of learning from the past, appreciating the present, and embracing the endless possibilities of the future. By cultivating a growth mindset and understanding the interconnectedness of these three phases, we can empower ourselves and our children to achieve personal growth and success.

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